What can I expect?

Healing Horses rests in the lush mountains of San Isidro de Heredia, on the fringes of one of Costa Rica's most expansive national parks.
Through a carefully designed sequence of experiences with horses, navigate the challenges of life. Horses have a special way of connecting with us that goes beyond what conversations can achieve. They touch parts of us, like our energy and feelings, in a unique way that brings clarity and hope to our present moment. Through these experiences, people often find a stronger bond with their true selves and a clearer sense of purpose. In moments of uncertainty or fear, these encounters can bring answers, a sense of empowerment, a deeper connection to what truly matters, and set the stage for a more meaningful journey. Grounded interactions with horses pave the way for personal insights.

Our program is experiential and requires no prior knowledge of horses, as we work with them from the ground.